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Integration with Allegro

Check how to connect Droplo with Allegro and how to list products on this sales channel.

Follow the instructions to integrate the Droplo supplier database with your Allegro Business account.

Integration Activation

First, go to the Integrations tab and click More details on the Allegro card.

A description of the integration will open. To activate the trial period, click the Test for free 7 days button. If you do not need a trial period and want to activate the subscription immediately, use the Purchase Access button.

A. By selecting the option Test for free 7 days, a window will appear informing you of the date until which you can use the integration for free. Use the button Start the trial period to proceed.

You will be redirected to the integration management panel named Allegro Exporter by Droplo:

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You can end the trial period at any time before the full 7 days are complete.

To do so, navigate to your account settings and go to the Plan and payment tab.

Next, use the Cancel Subscription function for the service you do not wish to continue. Access to the integration will expire at the end of the full 7 days.

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Note: Next to the integration shortcut, a counter is displayed showing the remaining days of your trial period (7-day trial). By using the Activate button, you can activate your subscription earlier. This will require the first payment for monthly or annual access to the integration.

B. By selecting the option Purchase access you will be redirected to the payment page for access to the integration. Choose whether you want to pay for it monthly or annually (in advance). After submitting the first payment, the integration will be fully activated for your account.

Establishing a connection

Once the integration is activated, a new section will appear in the main menu on the left side of your panel: MY INTEGRATIONS.

In this section, you will find a shortcut to your Allegro integration. Click on it to open the configuration panel.

If you have already saved products in Droplo, they will appear in the Products tab.

In the top right corner, you will see the button Go to Allegro integration – click on it.

A new browser tab will open with the first step of configuring the connection. Use the button Link account, and you will be redirected to Allegro to confirm the operation.

After successfully linking the accounts, the integration will be active.

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Attention! Remember that you can only integrate with Droplo using a Business account (registered as a company on the Allegro platform).

After linking the account, you will be redirected to the Allegro auction management panel.

You can close this tab. Return to the previous browser tab:


Now go to the Synchronization Settings tab.

First, set the global price margin (numerical and/or currency-based) and configure other synchronization settings:

  • Currency of products in Allegro

  • Automatic synchronization of stock levels and prices

  • Language of exported products

  • Tax rate

Then use the Save button.

Additional configuration options

In addition to the Synchronization settings tab in Allegro Exporter, you can also configure the auction management panel. To do this, go to the panel from your integration.

Next, go to the Settings.

Here, you have 5 tabs available where you can set additional parameters for the listed auctions.

1. Basic (Podstawowe)

In this tab, you can set default information that will be automatically filled in the offer creator. Remember to save your changes (at the bottom of the page).

2. Accounts (Konta)

Here, you can add additional Allegro accounts to choose where you want to list your auctions. You can also check the default settings for your account.

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Warning: If, despite setting the Shipping Price List / Return Policy / Return Conditions in your Allegro account settings, the information is not being loaded into Droplo (as shown above), this might indicate that the integration has been disconnected.

In such a case, you should reconnect your Allegro account with Droplo. To do this, go to the Accounts tab, use the Add account button, and then log in to the same account that was disconnected from Droplo:

After this operation, the integration will be reconnected to your account on Allegro. The cause of this issue typically originates from changes to settings on the Allegro side (e.g., changes to authorization data).

3. Publishing offers (Publikacja ofert)

In this tab, you can introduce additional features for offers published through Droplo. For example, shortening product names, to prevent excessively long names from being rejected by Allegro.

4. Auction templates (Szablony aukcji)

Here, you have the option to edit the current template for your offers on Allegro, or to add new ones.

5. Synchronization (Synchronizacja)

If you want, you can also manually trigger synchronization of all your listings. The last tab allows you to enable synchronization of prices, stock levels, and product statuses.

After making changes, click the Synchronize button to update your synchronization settings and refresh your products.

Listing Products

When you add a few products to your list, they will appear in the My Products tab under Allegro Exporter by Droplo.

Select products collectively (2) or individually, and then use the button List selected on Allegro (3).

A new window will open, where you need to complete the settings common to the previously selected offers.

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For 3 fields, you will notice the information “This field is required”. If you cannot select a pre-existing option in the offer creator, it means you need to configure your Allegro account.

Returning to the offer creator itself, it is divided into several basic sections:

A. The first part of the settings concerns basic information:

  • Allegro Account – from which account products should be listed

  • Offer Duration – how long offers should remain active on Allegro

  • Automatic Offer Relisting – if this setting is enabled, the system will relist offers that expired on Allegro due to the auction duration ending or stock depletion.

  • Start Date – when the offer should be published on Allegro

  • Processing Time – the time required to process orders for a product or product group.

B. In the "Appearance" section, select the template you want to use for the listed products.

C. The next step involves financial details: the current delivery price list and options for issuing invoices for customers. You first need to enter the price list in your Allegro account.

Here is the detailed instruction: CLICK

D. The fourth section contains your company's location details. Fill in: country, province, city and postal code.

E. Next, in the “Warranty and Returns” section, select the warranty terms and return policy from the dropdown lists. Information about warranties is optional.

You should also fill this information out on your Allegro account:

F. Finally, in the last section, you can select additional options for listed auctions:

  • Bold

  • Highlight

  • Emphasis

  • Promotion package (bold, highlight, emphasis)

  • Promotion offer on the category page

However, these are paid options, and their prices are outlined in the Allegro service price list. (

You can also specify the unit of products (piece/set/pair) and their signature (e.g., EAN Code).

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IMPORTANT! Remember that according to Allegro's policy, every listed product must have an EAN code, which enables linking it to the Allegro catalog. Products without an EAN code cannot be listed via integration.

When all mandatory fields are filled, use the Next Step button in the bottom right corner of the page to proceed to the second stage.

At this point, a list of products previously selected in the Allegro Exporter product list will be displayed.

Each product should have a green field in the ‘Products’ column, to be correctly listed. A green status indicates that the product has already been preliminarily linked correctly with its counterpart in the Allegro catalog, based on product data in Droplo.

If this field is yellow or red, you can try using an assistant that will match suggestions for parameter values for offers based on the data contained in the related product. The assistant will work only in a portion of possible cases.

Ultimately, you can search for and select a product from the Allegro catalog based on:


  • Manufacturer code

  • Basic data (name, description)

If you don’t find the desired product, you can use the function Continue without selecting a product. With this function, you will be able to manually select a category and parameters for the offer.

Based on this, a new product will be created, which will be automatically linked to your offer.

The product window will expand. In the Category section, select the exact category of the listed product. Also, specify other parameters

You can easily remove products from the list of listed items. To do this, select at least one product. An extra offer management panel will appear. Available actions include:

  • Find and replace – allows you to locate an offer and change its name or description

  • Remove – deletes products from the list exported to Allegro

Once you have completed the product information and all products are correctly linked with the Allegro catalog, select all products and click Next Step in the bottom right corner of the screen.

The final stage of offer configuration will appear. Here, you can decide whether the linked products and settings should be saved as draft listings or whether they should immediately be listed on your Allegro store.

When you use the List auction now, a confirmation message will appear to indicate the action has been taken.

In both cases, you will then be redirected to the management panel for previously configured auctions/drafts. This section allows for multi-level filtering and managing the product list within the integration.

Select at least one product, and an additional module will appear with all available functionalities, including e.g., the ability to immediately resume/end auctions. You can also permanently remove a product from the list or edit draft configurations, subsequently listing them on Allegro.

The listed offer will change its status to Active. Closed to Completed.

You can also open each auction on the Allegro platform by navigating to the link below the product name.

Order synchronization

When you receive an order for a product listed on Allegro through Droplo, a draft of a new order will automatically be created in the Orders section of your account. You can fill it out and send it to the supplier.

You can find more information on this topic in a separate manual:

Creating and Sending Orders to Suppliers

In this guide, we will show you how to manually create a new order and send it to a Supplier without leaving Droplo.

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